Your insight is super valuable; it’s rare for someone to be providing this. I don’t feel you need to cover deposit and withdrawal process each time (unless it’s particularly different for the protocol you are analysing). Your analysis is very objective, and I like that. Part of me also craves a bit more of your own personal (not financial advice) perspective on each one as well. A bit more of a warm personal perspective to compliment the clinical analysis. Either way: keep up the great work! 🤟

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Thank you for your feedback! For now my target audience are developers or anyone who wants to read code, hence I don't talk too much about non-technical matters except for a quick introduction. I find that there are plenty of non-technical analyses on DeFi protocols on the internet so my approach is to let others do that. I will try to slowly write more about what I think when I become more knowledgable in this space. I myself am also learning while sharing what I've learned with you guys so I don't want to give uninformed opinions until I really know what I am talking about!

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What about personal comments/perspectives about code quality and seeming competence of the team that wrote them compared to other protocols you've reviewed so far?

Obviously it's a long shot for you to give us direct investment advice -- but as an investor I want to take into account information like code quality, team competency and etc so as to shape my trust in the team developing the protocol.

I think you're more than qualified to be able to give such type of opinion!

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Hey Stanislav, I will try to do that once I have reviewed a few more protocols. I can try to comment on the code quality, but for an investor I guess a protocol's security is more important. I have a lot to learn in terms of security in Solidity but I will see if I can spot a thing or two during my reviews.

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I would argue quality and security are indirectly linked :)

Again, I acknowledge your opinion cannot directly map to investment advice. I don't think you can make good comments about security either - you're not an auditing firm that spends 2 weeks poking holes at the code. Some of the vulnerabilities are super subtle.

I take your opinion as a supplement to forming my investment thesis. For example, if I'm on the fence about a project and I find that their code quality is lacking, has copied 90% of their contract from another one with just a couple small changes, or their PR review process is super chaotic/informal/bad (see Badger) - I would stay away from that project. These sort of small things help shape investor sentiment.

More often than not, unless you're trading, you're first and foremost investing in the team, not the project. The team can pivot to make the project work but the opposite is not possible.

Frequently in crypto, time-in-market (how long you hold) beats time-to-market (how fast you discover the project, etc). Knowing how the team behind a project operates is crucial to building conviction in order to ride out long periods of time with the project.

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You are very right about this. We are indeed investing in the team and not only the project. Do you mind telling me more about what happened to Badger?

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Ah, good pushback. Most sagacious!

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1. Good: Comprehensive AF. Each one can fix my information addiction for a few hours at least. 💎💎💎

2. Bad: Moar your personal opinion on the tech side / community side. Agree / disagree with the iteration directions of the project... I want more "0xkowloon-ness", those are most valuable to me.

3. No. If it is to the moon people are incentivized to figure it out. 😉

4. Your call man I follow you LOL.

5. Any criteria why you are choosing those projects to review?

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Regarding personal opinion, I haven't done that because I don't have something very good to say as of now. Once I go deeper into more protocols I will be able to form some useful opinion. Haven't commented much on each protocol's community engagement neither because my current target audience are people who want to dig deep into the smart contracts and if I want to do that I will have to be more engaged in each protocol's community (Unfortunately I won't have the time to do that).

On how I decide which projects to follow: I follow a lot of crypto influencers on Twitter and see which projects they are talking about and which ones I find interesting. Basically "I like the coin" lol.

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Apr 20, 2021Liked by 0xkowloon

You are doing a great work. It will be great to make a couple reviews for OG protocols as Compound or Uniswap for people who is trying to learn how to read contracts with your posts:)

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Ok! Originally I thought people might not be as interested in looking at OG protocols, especially they already have very complete documentation. Now I know! I will try to review those as well. By the way if you want to look at Compound, you can check out my review on Inverse Finance's Anchor protocol, it is a fork of Compound and I basically covered most of the logic. And for Uniswap (not V3), my article on PancakeSwap should cover all of the logic as it is also a fork.

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Apr 20, 2021Liked by 0xkowloon

Wow, thanks, will look at existing reviews closer!:)

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Hi, this is awesome. I'd love a post on beanstalk.money as they have a few unique mechanisms (seed pods, ERC20s in a line?) and the stalk which disappears when you unstake. Thanks so much for this, it's amazing!

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I guess there is no more need to have a post on beanstalk.money :-S

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Hey Spencer, I am going to look at it. Stay tuned!

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I just stumbled across this. And I can't thank you enough.

As someone who hates/ ( finds video tutorials extremely hard due to ADHD), this is a lifesaver.

With that being said, I have couple of suggestions-

1. Can you deploy or show the devops side of things if possible, that is if you have time.

2. Can you also explain how the smart contract code interacts with the frontend?

3. Finally, PLEASE INCLUDE a section called- " FORKS" of this PROJECT=

Would love to see derivatives/insurance protocols in the future.

Once again much thanks. Please make more text only tutorials. It's of great help :)

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Hey Javi thank you for your feedback. I've wanted to build some full fledged tutorials but I haven't had the time to do it yet as it requires a lot more work. It is definitely something in my to-do list. What do you mean by forks? Like what other protocols forked the project I am covering?

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I just stumbled across this. And I can't thank you enough.

As someone who hates/ ( finds video tutorials extremely hard due to ADHD), this is a lifesaver.

With that being said, I have couple of suggestions-

1. Can you deploy or show the devops side of things if possible, that is if you have time.

2. Can you also explain how the smart contract code interacts with the frontend?

3. Finally, PLEASE INCLUDE a section called- " FORKS" of this PROJECT=

Would love to see derivatives/insurance protocols in the future.

Once again much thanks. Please make more text only tutorials. It's of great help :)

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